

Things to Know About Split Face Block

Split face block works on: single story strip malls, warehouses, Big Box stores, and similarly industrial or mercantile structures. Split face block doesn’t work on: Multiple floor residential structure with wood floor platforms.  Most of them leak. Some leak a lot. I have looked at hundreds of split face block residential buildings and I’ve never…


What is Sill Pan Flashing?

What is sill pan flashing? It’s very simple and there isn’t any window or door manufacturer that doesn’t require it.  Sill pan flashing is a formed pan that can be made from multiple materials.  You can use roofing membrane,  any sheet metal (copper, aluminum, steel),  there are commercially available adjustable pans, they can be plastic,…


Tile Shower Pans

Chicago is a tile town.  Plastic and fiberglass are a *shande*, a soulless submission to the falsity that tile is a maintenance intensive stinking mess.  That said, the high skill tile setting that characterized previous generations of tile showers has been replaced with mortar beds applied by the less skilled.  Showers turn into mold farms…


An Understanding of Home Inspection Societies

Why are there so many of professional home inspection societies? To answer the question, I have no idea.  There are a lot of them, though. In other professions, one usually goes to school with a mandate in rigorous training, certifications (more on that in another post), and accreditations that, for the most part, are recognized…

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